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Rebel Heart (Dust Lands Trilogy)

Rebel Heart - Moira Young HOLY HELL WHAT A BOOK.My most anticipated read of the year (or the last few months) and it is so good. I'll completely admit I may be wearing rose-coloured glasses because I've been pining for this book for so long and to finally read it was like... just amazing. But that aside... no spoilers for this mini-thoughts-reviews.Those characters. like 100 shades of freaking grey, I had a love/hate relationship with pretty much all of them-- that's how three-dimensional they are.Plot twists you will NOT see coming. holy hell Moira Young, you know how to throw a curveball. Might I add that she's fearless with her characters as well. Prepare yourself with tissues.There is a fabulous villain. The best villains are those who think they are doing the right thing.A slight bit sequel-syndrome-y, but not enough to make me not love this book.Dammit, I can NOT wait another year for book 3. Yes there are a few faults with Rebel Heart but I am refusing to hear them right now. Just let me bathe in the awesomeness of this book, thanks.(order from The Book Depository, the UK version has been released!)