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holes in my brain

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Dash & Lily's Book of Dares

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares - Rachel Cohn, David Levithan read the full review on my blog, holes In My brainSo… I am in love with Dash because his IQ is a turn-on. Whatever, judge me, but those big words spell attractive. I loved his cynicism towards Christmas, his reactions to Lily’s dares, his friends, his ‘snarly-ness’… so awesome.Okay, now onto the book. Man, it was fun fun fun! Like Cohn and Levithan’s previous collaborations, the alternating narrations of Lily and Dash managed to include both an entertaining plot and good character development. I loved not knowing what in the world they would dare each other to do next, plus there was also an awesome supporting cast to add to the fun.In addition, I do think that the two authors were able to prevent it from being just a "fluffy, feel-good holiday adventure". I liked the inclusion of the ‘perceptions versus reality’ thing, and the way each character built up the other in his or her head, and when it was time for a physical meeting… they weren’t really sure what would happen. And I liked how each character actually addressed this, instead of having everything go over their heads. They’re smart, but they had built up an image of the other, some perfect swoon-y image that might not be true...The plot kicked off with a bang but I did think pacing was a bit shaky at times. Things slowed down in the middle and there were just some aspects that I can’t quite identify that prevented this from being a full-on gush review. Some ‘unlikely’ events, I guess… but it’s forgivable.Lastly, writing on both sides were strong, but since I favour Dash, I also favour Levithan’s writing style :)4/5 - because it’s fun-packed. I loved the characters and the tentative, quirky romance that blossomed through dares throughout NYC. Parts were laugh-out-loud funny which rocked. Prose was excellent and while pacing wasn’t the strongest, it is still a very enjoyable read, definitely recommended :)