full review can be found on my blog, Holes in My Brain.So. Last Sacrifice. Wow. Probably one of my most highly anticipated books of 2010, it’s the finale of a stunning 6 book series about vampires, it amazing, great, good, and bad. At times.First thing I LOVED was the familiarity of it all, we are back in Rose’s head and although she can be bratty and selfish at times, but she is still the kick-ass, lovable heroine. The experience of being back into Mead’s vampire world was like a second-nature; that’s when you know a series has really had an effect on you.The book is 590-ish pages, and I will say I was completely swept away in the first 540. My heart was racing, I was on my toes… all the way up until the climax and ‘big reveal’ where shit hits the fan, everything was going swell and I was loving it. I even remember thinking “maybe this will be a 9.5 book, I mean, it is freaking awesome!” Then the climax. Then everything went downhill.I won’t really say what happens except I hugely disliked the final fifty pages, I hated Rose, the aftermath, most of the events… it kind of ruined a great book (not by much, but by a star rating).That aside the plot, the action, the mystery.. everything was extremely well done and detailed, and I applaud Mead for giving readers exactly what they want in an original style. I was completely engrossed in the multiple storylines, both Rose on the run and Lissa who has her own challenges. There might have been a few unnecessary portions but all in all, it was well paced and nicely written.And the romance. How can I not comment? I’ll just say I’m happy about who Rose ends up with (was there really any doubt?) but I detested how the ‘break up’ went. Also, I think I will say that Christian Ozera is amazing, so is Eddie, Abe (Abe!) and I’m a fan of Sydney. I’ll definitely be reading the spin-off series, Bloodlines.